Mar 31, 2025  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Writing Intensive Classes

Written Communication: Fulfilling the Writing Intensive (WI) Requirement

Students can fulfill the WI requirement by completing six hours of courses designated as Writing Intensive with a grade of “C” or higher in the writing assignments.

  • At least three hours of Writing Intensive courses must be at the 300-400 level. (Completing English 102 with a grade of “C” or higher is a prerequisite for registering for any Writing Intensive course.)
  • Students who have completed one 200-level literature course (English 200-215) to meet the Liberal Arts Requirements may fulfill three hours of the WI requirement by earning a “C” or better in a second 200-level literature course (English 200-215) or in an upper-level foreign language literature class (RUS 401 or 402, or SPA 403 or 404). 
  • All courses used to satisfy the Writing Intensive requirement must be taken at Ferrum College. Students who wish to transfer courses specifically designated as writing intensive at other institutions may appeal to the Dean of the School of Arts and Humanities. 
  • The list of Writing Intensive courses may vary from year to year; courses that can fulfill the requirement are not limited to those listed in the student’s catalog year of entry.


The following courses meet the Writing Intensive requirement:

ACC 304 Advanced Accounting Theory   

ACC 498 Senior Seminar

BUS 403 Human Resource Management               

BUS 498 Senior Seminar: Business Policy               

CJU 498 Senior Seminar

COM 433 Media Scriptwriting    

COM 483 Senior Synthesis Seminar         

CSC 498 Senior Research Seminar            

ECO 313 Money & Banking         

ECO 330 International Trade      

EDU 311 The Language Arts        

EDU 312 Content Reading Literacy           

EDU 404 The Profession of Teaching: The Student Teaching Experience  

ENG 301 Literature for Children and Adolescents              

ENG 310 Media Law and Ethics 

ENG 311 News Writing and Editing          

ENG 319 Advanced Prose Writing             

ENG 325 The Novel         

ENG 328 Seminar: Selected Literary Topics           

ENG 338 Rhetoric            

ENG 345 American Lit. 1815-65

ENG 346 American Lit. 1865-1940            

ENG 361 British Literature 1660-1798    

ENG 362 British Literature 1798-1890    

ENG 365 Shakespeare                   

ENG 398, 498 Junior and Senior Seminar               

ENG 401 Literary Criticism           

ENG 421 Medieval Lit.   

ENG 425 Seminar: Selected Authors        

ENG 428 Contemporary Literature and Film         

ENG 461 Professional Writing    

EPD 498 Senior Project 

ESC 302 Conservation Biology    

HHP 450 Design and Application of HHP Program              

HIS 302 History of Sports in the US          

HIS 306 Women in 20th Century America             

HIS 307 American Crime               

HIS 308 African American History             

HIS 309 The United States 1900-1945     

HIS 310 The United States since 1945     

HIS 335 Classical Antiquity Greco-Roman History               

HIS 341 England from Island to Empire   

HIS 344 The Scientific Revolution             

HIS 376 The History of Islam       

HIS 380 Latin America   

HIS 383 Caribbean Environmental History             

HIS 398 Historiography 

HIS 498 Senior Seminar

HON 213 Media & Violence        

HON 216 The Sixties

HON 435 Values and Vocation 

HUM 302 AAS: 40 Years & A Dream

MTH 324 Elements of Geometry and Number Theory

MTH 498 Senior Research Seminar

NSM 398 Junior Seminar

NSM 498 Senior Seminar

PHI 498, 499 Senior Seminar in Philosophy 

PSC 310 Political Parties and Groups in the U.S.

PSC 435 Political Economy of Development

PSY 307 Advanced Research Methods and Statistics

REC 360 Recreation Leadership Theory and Philosophy

REC 440 Recreation Sem.

REL 315 Studies in the Gospels 

REL 316 Life and Letters of Paul 

REL 481 Seminar in Religious Studies 

REL 482 Seminar in Religious Studies 

SOC 470 Social Science Research Methods

SPA 498 Senior Thesis

SSC 490 Capstone Seminar

SWK 320 Social Welfare Policy

SWK 330 Human Behavior 

THA 301 World Theatre I 

THA 302 World Theatre II 

 (Note: Some of these courses may also count towards fulfilling other General Education or Major/Minor requirements)